Käytämme Nettilasku.fi-laskutusohjelmaa.
You can use the links below to explore our range of comics offerings. Extensive information is available about each comic, including an overview of the comic, sample strips, author details, and character introductions. Click and learn!
Local News
Available in the following versions: |
One of the most popular Sunday strips in Finland. Timo Kähkönen and Vesa Ilmaranta’s Local News comic strip follows a young reporter who has returned to his old home to work in a local newspaper. |
Sunday strips FI (630 units), Request a quote
1-row sunday strips FI (129 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips EN (26 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips NB (289 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips NN (41 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips DE (10 units), Request a quote
Mixed Forest
Available in the following versions: |
Jukka Tilsa and Pauli Kallio’s sympathetic animal cartoon Mixed Forest gives children and adults something to sink their teeth into. |
Sunday strips FI (204 units), Request a quote
Urban Leap
Available in the following versions: |
In Juha Kouvalainen’s Urban Leap, kangaroo Garoo shows up in the mail, forever muddling a couple's plans. |
Daily strips FI (256 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips FI (4 units), Request a quote
Bill and Esther
Available in the following versions: |
This strip by Timo Kähkönen and Vesa Ilmaranta’s follows the lives of Bill, Esther and their close acquaintances amidst the oddities and delights of everyday life. |
Pages FI (27 units), Request a quote
Available in the following versions: |
In Jyrki Paavola and Timo Kokkila’s Tin-Bin, the humor hinges on the subtleties of human expression. |
Daily strips FI (15 units), Request a quote
Additional information on comics
The above links provide a wealth of information about our comics and authors. If you are interested in publishing our comics, visit our Publishers section for additional information on pricing, billing practices, file deliver, documentation and technical printing information.