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Publication database completed
Published: March 22, 2014 at 8:35:06 PM   Modified: March 26, 2014 at 1:33:49 AM

Now you can re­c­om­­mend our comics to 15,082 publi­­ca­­tions around the world!

As a na­t­u­ral step to­wards the glob­al mar­kets we have up­dat­ed our publi­­ca­­tion database. 18,571 new publi­­ca­­tions in 210 coun­tries were add­ed.

Be­low is a list of the amounts of publi­ca­tions in 15 coun­tries. Pre­vi­ous­ly the database con­tained main­ly Fin­nish (1,367) and Nor­we­gian (269) publi­­ca­­tions.

Unit­ed States 11,936
Ca­­­na­­­da 1,190
Mex­i­­­co 519
In­­­­­dia 357
Ger­­­many 346
Pak­is­­­tan 258
Brazil 216
Ar­­­gen­ti­­­na 185
Greece 179
Spain 177
Ja­­­pan 143
Unit­ed King­­­dom 126
France 117
Ita­­­ly 111
Swe­­­den 101

Cur­rent­ly our sys­tem is quite com­pre­hen­sive in its cov­er­age of Amer­i­can, Ca­na­dian, Fin­nish and Nor­we­gian publi­ca­tions. We keep on ad­d­ing new publi­ca­tions to our sys­tem to make the database as com­pre­hen­sive as pos­si­ble.

The mas­sive publi­ca­tion database up­date en­ables us to ex­pand our mar­ket­ing ac­­tiv­i­ties out­­­side Fin­­land and Nor­way. Fur­ther­more, any­one can now re­c­om­­mend our comics to nu­mer­ous publi­­ca­­tions around the world. If you see a com­ic strip you like, be sure to re­c­om­mend it us­ing the “Re­c­om­mend” link (eg. Dark Side of the Horse)!

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