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New comic: Kate the Great
Published: May 2, 2014 at 10:24:24 AM   Modified: May 6, 2014 at 6:07:28 AM

Bril­liant­ly drawn new com­ic strip hooks young read­ers. Al­ready more than 4,000 likes on Face­book.

Roy­al Comics Syn­di­cate is proud to an­nounce the launch of Kate the Great, a com­ic strip fea­ture with heart.

Kate the Great is a com­ic about a spirit­ed young girl with a big imag­i­na­tion. Kate’s friends (a gar­goyle, a dra­g­on, a pe­ga­corn, and a griffin) go with her on a se­ries of ad­ven­tures – some in the re­al world, others in worlds she prob­a­b­ly in­vents. Yet, re­gard­less of her en­vi­ron­ment and the chal­lenges she faces, Kate is a na­t­u­ral-born lead­er and a very fun­ny kid.

The writ­er of the com­ic is Wayne Bartholomew (U.S.A., b. 1979). With fic­tion and po­et­ry publi­ca­tions in The Jam­bar and the Pen­guin Re­view, he is mak­ing his de­but in the world of comics with Kate the Great. The il­lus­tra­tor is Jaime Gar­cia Cor­ral (Spain, b. 1965), whose pro­fes­sio­n­al ca­reer in­cludes work for com­pa­nies like Dis­ney (Dis­ney Clas­sics), Full Stop Me­dia-Warn­er Bros. (Looney Tunes, Scoo­by-Doo, Tom & Jer­ry) and DC Comics (Scoo­by-Doo), among others. His work has been pub­lished in Eu­ro­pean coun­tries, like the U.K., Ger­many, Swe­den, and Den­mark, as well as in the U.S.A. He has al­so done il­lus­tra­tion for an­i­ma­tion.

Beau­ti­ful­ly drawn and al­ways fun­ny, Kate the Great is aimed at chil­dren, but read­ers of all ages en­joy Kate’s an­tics. It is said that a news­pa­per has a good fu­ture if a read­er can be hooked as a child, and this car­toon is good bait: its of­fi­cial Face­book page has over 4,000 likes!. The com­ic al­so has an of­fi­cial web­site: www.katethe­great­

Read the dai­ly strip sam­ples , and if you are in­ter­est­ed in pub­lish­ing the com­ic, re­quest a price quote.

Kate the Great is avai­l­able al­so as a Sun­day strip fea­ture, for which you can re­quest a quote here.

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